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Dirty Rich Cinderella Story Ever After Read Online

Cinderella Story

Thank you, Artist Ava

Cinderella Fairytale ~ Bedtime Story for Kids in English

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Mind to Cinderella while you read along!

ONCE UPON A Time a girl named Cinderella lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters.  Poor Cinderella had to work hard all mean solar day long so the others could balance. It was she who had to wake up each morning when it was yet nighttime and cold to get-go the fire.  It was she who cooked the meals. It was she who kept the fire going. The poor girl could not stay clean, from all the ashes and cinders past the fire.

Cinderella Story

Thank you, Creative person Carla Oly

"What a mess!" her ii stepsisters laughed.  And that is why they called her "Cinderella."

Ane day, big news came to town.  The King and Queen were going to accept a ball!  Information technology was time for the Prince to observe a bride. All of the young ladies in the land were invited to come.  They were wild with joy! They would habiliment their most cute gown and set their pilus extra nice. Possibly the prince would like them!

At Cinderella's firm, she now had extra work to do.  She had to brand two make-new gowns for her stride-sisters.

"Faster!" shouted i stride-sister.

"Y'all telephone call that a dress?" screamed the other.

"Oh, dear!" said Cinderella.  "When can I–"

The stepmother marched into the room.  "When tin you WHAT?"

"Well," said the girl, "when volition I have time to brand my ain dress for the ball?"

"You?" yelled the stepmother.  "Who said YOU were going to the ball?"

"What a laugh!" said one step-sister.

"Such a mess!" They pointed at Cinderella.  All of them laughed.

Cinderella said to herself, "When they expect at me, maybe they run across a mess.  But I am not that mode.  And if I could, I WOULD go to the brawl."

Soon the fourth dimension came for the stepmother and step-sisters to leave for the large political party.

Cinderella Story

Thank you, Creative person Carla Oly

Their fine carriage came to the door. The stepmother and step-sisters hopped inside.  And they were off.

"Good-good day!" chosen Cinderella.  "Have a skillful fourth dimension!" But her stepmother and step-sisters did non turn around to run into her.

"Ah, me!" said Cinderella sadly.  The carriage rode down the street.  She said aloud, "I wish I could go to the ball, too!"

And then - Poof!

Suddenly, in forepart of her was a fairy.

"You called?" said the fairy.

"Did I?" said Cinderella.  "Who are you?"

"Why, your Fairy Godmother, of class!  I know your wish.  And I have come to grant it."

"But…" said Cinderella, "my wish is incommunicable."

"Excuse me!" said the Fairy Godmother in a huff.  "Did I not just testify up out of sparse air?"

"Yes, you did," said Cinderella.

"Then let me be the one to say what is possible or not!"

"Well, I think you lot know I want to go to the ball, too." She looked down at her dirty clothes.

 "Just await at me."

"You do await a bit of a mess, kid," said the Fairy Godmother.

"Even if I had something nice to wear," said the girl, "I would have no way to go there."

"Dear me, all of that is possible," said the Fairy. With that, she tapped her wand on Cinderella's caput.

Cinderella Story

Thanks, Creative person Carla Oly

At once, Cinderella was all clean.  She was dressed in a beautiful bluish gown.  Her pilus was fix up high on her caput inside a aureate band.

"This is wonderful!" said Cinderella.

"Who said I was done?" said the Fairy Godmother.  She tapped her wand over again. At in one case, a beautiful wagon came to be, with a commuter and four white horses.

Cinderella Story

Thank you, Artist Carla Oly

"Am I dreaming?" said Cinderella, looking around her.

"It is as real, every bit real can be," said the Fairy Godmother.  "But there is 1 matter you must know."

"What is that?"

"All of this lasts only to midnight.  Tonight, at the stroke of midnight, it will all be over.  Everything will become dorsum to how it was before."

"Then I must be sure to leave the ball before midnight!" said Cinderella.

"Good idea," said the Fairy Godmother.  She stepped dorsum. "My work is done." And with that, the Fairy Godmother was gone.

Cinderella looked effectually her.  "Did that even happen?"  But at that place she stood in a fine gown, and with a aureate band in her hair.  And there were her driver and iv horses earlier her, waiting.

"Coming?" chosen the driver.

She stepped into the railroad vehicle.  And they were off.

Cinderella Story

Thank you, Artist Carla Oly

Over at the ball, the Prince did not know what to think.  "Why exercise y'all have that sad look on your face?" the Queen said to her son.  "Wait around you! You could not ask for finer maidens than these."

"I know, Mother," said the Prince.  Withal he knew something was incorrect. He had met many of the young women.  Still after he said "hello," i past 1, he could find nothing more than to say.

"Look!"  Someone pointed to the front door.  "Who is that?"

All heads turned.  Who was that lovely maiden stepping downwards the stairs?  She held her head alpine and looked as if she belonged. Merely no one knew her.

"In that location is something about her," said the Prince to himself.  "I will ask her to trip the light fantastic." And he walked over to Cinderella.

"Have we met?" said the Prince.

"I am pleased to see you at present," said Cinderella with a bow.

"I feel as if I know you," said the Prince.  "But of course, that is impossible."

"Many things are possible," said Cinderella, "if you lot wish them to be true."

The Prince felt a leap in his heart.  He and Cinderella danced. When the song was over, they danced once more.  And and so they danced again, and yet again. Before long the other maidens at the brawl grew jealous.  "Why is he dancing all the time with her?" they said. "How rude!"

But all the Prince could run across was Cinderella.  They laughed and talked, and they danced some more.  In fact, they danced for so long that Cinderella did not see the clock.

"Dong!" said the clock.

Cinderella looked upwards.

Cinderella Story

Thank you, Creative person Carla Oly

"Dong!" went the clock again.

She looked up over again.  "Oh, my!" she cried out.  "It is nearly midnight!"

"Dong!" rung the clock.

"Why does that affair?" said the Prince.

"Dong!" called the clock.

"I must go!" said Cinderella.

"Dong!" went the clock.

"Simply we merely met!" said the Prince.  "Why leave at present?"

"Dong!" rung the clock.

"I must GO!" said Cinderella.  She ran to the steps.

Cinderella Story

Cheers, Creative person Carla Oly

"Dong!" said the clock.

"I cannot hear you," said the Prince.  "The clock is too loud!"

"Dong!" rung the clock.

"Goodbye!" said Cinderella. Upwardly, upwards the stairs she ran.

"Dong!" went the clock.

"Please, stop for a moment!" said the Prince.

"Oh, dear!" she said as one glass slipper fell off her foot on the stair.  But Cinderella kept running up.

Cinderella Story

Thank yous, Creative person Carla Oly

"Dong!" said the clock.

"Delight await a moment!" said the Prince.

"Dong!" rung the clock.

"Goodbye!" Cinderella turned i final fourth dimension.  Then she rushed out the door.

"Dong!"  The clock was serenity. It was midnight.

"Wait!" called the Prince.  He picked upwardly her drinking glass slipper and rushed out the door.  He looked around just could not run into her blueish apparel anywhere.  "This is all I have left from her," he said, looking down at the glass slipper.  He saw that information technology was made in a special way, to fit a foot like none other. "Somewhere there is the other glass slipper," he said.  "And when I observe information technology, I will find her, likewise.  Then I will ask her to be my bride!"

From hut to hut, from house to firm, went the Prince.  One immature adult female afterwards another tried to fit her human foot inside the glass slipper.  Merely none could fit. And so the Prince moved on.

At terminal the Prince came to Cinderella's house.

"He is coming!" called ane step-sis every bit she looked out the window.

"At the door!" screamed the other pace-sister.

"Quick!" yelled the stepmother.  "Go ready! Ane of you must exist the one to fit your human foot in that slipper.  No matter what!"

The Prince knocked.  The stepmother flew open up the door.  "Come in!" she said. "I have two lovely daughters for you to see."

The first step-sis tried to place her pes in the glass slipper.  She tried hard, but it but would not fit. And so the second step-sister tried to fit her human foot within.  She tried and tried with all her might, too. But no die.

"Are there no other young women in the house?" said the Prince.

"None," said the stepmother.

"Then I must go," said the Prince.

"Maybe there is one more," said Cinderella, stepping into the room.

"I thought you said there were no other young women here," said the Prince.

"None who matter!" said the stepmother in a hiss.

"Come up here," said the Prince.

Cinderella Story

Thanks, Creative person Carla Oly

Cinderella stepped upward to him.  The Prince got downward on one knee and tried the glass slipper on her pes.  It fit perfectly! And so, from her pocket Cinderella took out something. Information technology was the other glass slipper!

"I knew it!" he cried.  "You lot are the 1!"

"WHAT?" shouted a step-sis.

"Non HER!" screamed the other step-sister.

"This cannot Be!" yelled the stepmother.

But it was as well belatedly.  The prince knew that Cinderella was the i.  He looked into her eyes. He did not run into the cinders in her hair or the ashes on her face.

"I accept found you!" he said.

"And I have found you," said Cinderella.

And so Cinderella and the Prince were married, and they lived happily e'er after.


Picket our Storytelling Video:


  1. I just read this story to my four year sometime daughter. She shockingly asked me to read her a bedtime story, and I institute this story kickoff, and decided on reading information technology. Admittedly honey information technology. Great job!

  2. I retrieve that whatever you lot put your listen you yous can practice information technology.

  3. Dear the story

  4. Every thing is possible if you are patient.

  5. If you human action hateful, goose egg will get done.

  6. That the dream that you wish will come up true!!!

  7. The Story is sooo cool!

      Rama, tell usa–what practice you call up was most cool near Cinderella?

  8. a cool story and i retrieve this story will be my favorite

  9. That anything is possible

  10. My little brothers words : ' This platform is amazing ! I sometimes feel like i am reading an actual book with like shooting fish in a barrel give-and-take meanings and and information technology has pictures ! if i were to charge per unit this reading platform information technology would be a 10/ten ! ' And i completely agree with him , this is an astonishing reading platform with easy vocabulary and sentences .

  11. My blood brother thinks that this story teaches you that you lot need to treat others the style y'all want to be treated considering you lot never know how they might plough out to be in the time to come.

  12. Information technology show us that is non proficient to exist a wicked person.

  13. This book was so fun to read I loved that she found him😭✨πŸ’ž

  14. Actually good and simple language which has simple meaning and vocabulary also. I got it all.

  15. Happy endings do come true for those who keep their word.

  16. My daughter'south words: The book was crawly and I love it!!

  17. I liked the role when it said "dong"!

  18. Why is anybody in these comments "merely learning about how y'all shouldn't be rude to people"? Bruh, I learned that when I was 4.

  19. Nosotros must non think that we're meliorate than others.

  20. Don't judge anyone and love everyone.

  21. That is not nice to be mean

  22. I dear this story the same way I love books

  23. This story is sΓ³Γ³Γ³ooooooooooΓ³ cool!!!

  24. Really good for dark time story reading if adults are too tired to read but relax and lookout the words, also proficient that there are pictures at that place besides my little girl loved looking at the pics.

  25. this story was and then dainty and I am feeling very skilful for reading the story, I got some English conversation. Thank you lot.

  26. I dearest how the godmother said it will all be gone after midnight but the slippers stayed

  27. After growing up, I realized the prince can just recognize the girl through her appearance. He does not need to take all the girls try on the shoes.

  28. I dear the way you can read it and heed to the words that information technology says. 😎🀩

  29. I learned that information technology is not good to do bad things to others and if you do, bad will come back to you. And to care near others, you should be kind to people and not do what you don't want others to practise to y'all. They are people so practise non exercise it the end.

  30. What I learned nigh today'due south topic chosen Cinderella is that:
    1. We should be nice to others because when nosotros do bad things to others, bad will come back to united states.
    ii. Nosotros should not make people suffer and make fun of them considering at the end it will be your turn.

  31. I like this story considering information technology tells that if we accept faith in ourselves and are patient, and so even an impossible wish can come up truthful. I like Cinderella a lot for this.

  32. If yous wish something it is possible.

  33. It tells the reader that nothing is incommunicable if yous believe.


  35. Basically the moral of Cinderella is: people should always fight for what they want with a skillful heart and hard work. And wickedness and envy volition atomic number 82 to negative consequences, whereas perseverance will lead to a happy ending. And no thing what your situation is, don't requite up on your dreams.

  36. The moral of the story :
    Do not be rude
    Nothing is impossible
    And bad never wins but skilful every time wins

  37. Aught is impossible.

  38. The moral of the story is that nothing is incommunicable. And also to not be rude .

  39. It tells us nothing is impossible.

  40. It tells u.s.a. nothing is impossible

  41. The story is trying to tell yous that nothing is impossible

  42. It was good and I never heard this version before that'south one reason why it's good another is that the stepmom and sisters got what they deserved

  43. The story is trying tell u.s. that nix is impossible.

  44. That anything is possible. If you keep walking frontward with courage and promise, you'll find what you demand

  45. i like the story Cinderella but this one is the all-time always!

  46. This story tells that nothing is incommunicable

  47. Practise non lose promise. No affair the difficulties you encounter in life, there is even so hope.

  48. Never stop dreamingπŸ’­πŸ˜‡

  49. Agree that dream and go along dreaming it.

  50. Your audio is beautiful

  51. That keep on wishing on your dream and it will come up true.

  52. In one of my classes, there is a class chosen Discovery Aces. We are learning about Theme. To answer "Say what y'all think the story is trying to prove you…." I retrieve, the theme is "Don't dubiousness yourself even when others doubt y'all." I idea this story was a very good matter and I liked the pictures just sometimes they looked actually dissimilar. Me and my teacher were having a lot of fun reading this book. We had a lot of laughs.

  53. I loved that the speaker was reading with so much expressions, and the right ones besides!

  54. The story might be showing us that if you believe in yourself you lot can accomplish whatever you want.

  55. 3.The story is trying to tell usa to be neat and prissy.

  56. People practiced evening sir/ma this is a very interesting story and I think it has a very skilful lesson

  57. This is the lesson I have learned. To be kinder to my family and those who demand information technology. Information technology's chosen kindness and respect to the people who are not nice.

  58. Wow! Lessons well received.

  59. Cinderella allow her stepsisters be mean because she is really nice and they treated her like a slave. Cinderella changed in a really good way. She went from a slave to a princess and found her prince. The story is showing you that you can be annihilation you lot want to exist. 7/10

  60. Cinderella let her stepsisters be mean to her because she was their slave, she had no pick.

    Cinderella inverse because she went from being the maid to beingness engaged to the prince.

    The story was trying to testify me not to surrender on your hopes because hateful people boss you around.

  61. I think this story is showing me that people take to be very kind.

  62. Wow, this story is astonishing. I can go along reading this as long as I want. I beloved it and so much!

  63. Wow! I similar the story. Information technology is non good to prevarication be jealous. it is a moral lesson

  64. Cinderella was nice and then didn't want to be mean to the step sisters.

    Cinderella found out that good things happen to good people.

    That adept beats bad.

  65. cause Cinderella has no pick

  66. It teaches me to persevere through hard fourth dimension and never to be jealous…My own approval must surely locate me in due season even if am hidden in the valley.

  67. Be kindness and be dauntless is what this story tells us.
    If you lot are a retainer or annihilation, when you practise skillful affair yous likewise deserve practiced.

  68. Hi from Turkey! Nosotros should treat people in equal no matter who!

  69. because she idea that if she let her stride-sisters be mean to her, one twenty-four hour period they would begin to act overnice to her and care for her well.

  70. This is trying to tell united states of america that we should be hard working and never give upwards on ourselves.

  71. What a squeamish and lovely story, I loved it much more than any other story.

  72. It taught us not to treat others differently considering if your life is bad it tin always alter in the time to come.

  73. Cinderella was changed from a slave to a princess. She grew more than stiff past leaving her step female parent and step sis and marrying the prince. She learned that she is way more what she was.

  74. (one) Cinderella let her stepsisters exist mean to her considering later on in life she volition accept better than her stepsisters. Also, she volition know that once she meets or has someone in her life who loves her, she can get dorsum at them because she married the prince and now her stepmother and sister can exist her maids or whatsoever she wants to call it. Next, she got to dance with the prince and her stepsisters were jealous.

    (ii) I pick the stepsisters if I was them and rude to Cinderella, I would experience bad, mad and sad. Bad is for why take I been rude to her? She could grow up more than me and marry someone better and I may or may not marry someone. I would feel mad because I wouldn't go to trip the light fantastic with the prince and have a better life than her. And I'd feel sorry considering I was rude and for other reasons.

    (three) To e'er be nice and way more than, but I have to go.

    The End ,,,, past Due east and B TOOK 5 MINS TO WRITE THIS Cheers FOR TELLING !!!!πŸ˜ƒ

  75. I retrieve what the story is trying to tell us is to treat others the fashion you lot want to be treated, and don't underestimate others. πŸ’•

  76. This story was neat, it really helped me fall comatose at night when I felt ill. This was a nifty telling of the story.

  77. It teaches us that you have to be nice or else the other person will get all the proficient and fun stuff

  78. I think Cinderella wanted to brand her stepsisters like her. Then she tried to be prissy, hoping they would.

  79. This story is trying to teach us that we should treat every one equal

  80. 1. Because so she won't have anything to eat or survive.
    2. Cinderella grew and changed because she got married and was happy to be with someone that makes her happy.
    three. To not let anyone guess a book by its encompass because yous have lessons to larn everyday and you don't know it.

  81. This help me a lot and it calms me downward. This one was a hit to victory. I want hear more stories like this one. Question iii- I retrieve anything is possible, and number 2 is Cinderella

  82. It teach us not to make fun of someone πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

  83. Why did the step sisters and stride mother were mean what did she practise to them so pitiful 😭😭😭😭😱😱😱😱and that'due south a nice story but sad
    By Maria


  85. This is my daughters favorite story and I love the pictures/paintings

  86. Q1 Maybe she believed their insults. Perhaps hearing the insults so frequently made her believe them. Or she didn't have any back up when she stood upwards to them. Maybe she didn't think information technology would be good manners or proper to speak back.

  87. 1. Cinderella permit her stepsisters be mean to her because if Cinderella says something rude about her stepsisters then her stepmother will say, "It is not the stepsisters error, it is your fault."
    two. Cinderella changed because she doesn't have to exercise the work again for her mean stepsisters and stepmother.
    3. I think the story is trying to tell united states of america that if you really really really desire to win at something but you lot loose considering the person you were mean to will win, for example if you lot were mean to someone so in that location is a competition i day and so you really want to win simply you lot won't considering the person who you lot were mean to will win.

  88. i. why did Cinderella allow her stepsisters be mean to her?
    Because Cinderella didn't want to hurt them, or she loves them.

  89. The stepmother is being rude and hatefull

  90. Q3:

    External beauty many can reach, its the inner beauty that makes one unique.

  91. Cheers for your difficult and amazing work, my son and I are very appreciative.

  92. Cinderella from the start of the story was similar a maid at abode and in the end of the story she became a princess and she will live at the castle.
    We should treat people with respect and non make fun of them.

  93. 1. Cinderella let her stepsisters be mean to her because if Cinderella says something rude about her stepsisters and then her stepmother will say " It is not the stepsisters error, it is your mistake."
    2. Cinderella changed because she doesn't have to practice the work once more for her hateful stepsisters and stepmother.
    3. I remember the story is trying to tell us that if you really really really want to win at something but you loose because the person you were mean to will win, for instance if you were mean to someone and then there is a competition 1 24-hour interval so you actually desire to win just you won't because the person who you were mean to volition win.

  94. Say what y'all recollect the story is trying to testify you.

    I experience that the story is trying to say that whatever good you practice,
    good will come up back to you.

  95. Question iii— Say what you recollect the story is trying to testify you lot.

    the story is trying to say that nothing is impossible

  96. Question 1: I would imagine Cinderella realized her position. Although her step-family unit mistreated her greatly, they were even so her family unit and some modest function of her cared for them. Cinderella was a Businesswoman's girl. She could've hands written to the constable about the mistreatment and fought for the rights of her championship. But Cinderella had a spirit of forbearance. She was kind and had a good centre. Maybe she knew the realities of those in that era who found themselves in a pitiable state.

  97. This is soo proficient to let your heed remainderπŸ™

  98. I love this story because it has a adept end and the lesson is to be kind to other people no matter if they are poor or rich the thing that matters is to exist kind to anybody and if we all do that we can make the world a improve identify and live our happily ever after life

  99. Question 1 : Cinderella starts the story equally a Housemaid to her stepmother and stepsisters while they go and boss her effectually. But Cinderella stills hopes to go to the ball with the Prince and continues to hope despite beingness bossed around by her stepmother and stepsisters. Then she eventually does encounter her magic fairy after her stepmother denies her asking to become to the festival. The Magic fairy dresses her up and takes her to the festival as a princess but tells her to be back earlier midnight. She forgets most midnight and rushes home while her prince does a kingdom-wide search. He eventually finds Cinderella and buts her magic slipper on and they get married happily ever after.

    Question 2 : I recollect one of the themes of the story is to be hopeful, notwithstanding still try. In the story Cinderella is rugged and Dirty and has abusive parental units and sisters who are tormenting her, yet she nonetheless hopes and tries to get the the festival. She kept on hoping and eventually she did get to the ball but she didn't get their without some assist and without trying and hoping.

  100. Beautiful story…. My lesson from the story.. Never ever think that we are better than the person who sit adjacent to us…

  101. Cinderella is so nice πŸ’“♥️♥️♥️♥️πŸ’˜❤️❤️
    The message of the story is that exist kind
    Considering you don't Know your hereafter or what is the blessings of the day ❤️❤️❤️😿😿πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί

  102. Que 1
    Cinderella is good and kind only she's in a situation where these character traits would not normally flourish. She has to piece of work hard at menial tasks, she's forced to wear tattered clothing, and she is cut off from a support network and isolated in the attic. She should be miserable and lonely.

    It is often said that some things get improve with time, and in the case of Cinderella I would have to agree. Although I know the story and have seen multiple versions numerous times, experiencing the Nashville Children's Theatre'south version of Cinderella presented me with ideas I had never considered in the context of the story.

  103. Cinderella is hard worker and she deserves a interruption. Cinderella should marry the prince cause she's adept person. She works hard and takes intendance of her stepsisters and her stepmother. At the end she finally gets married to the prince and has a happy life .

  104. Helps me to larn things i don't know and to not do bad things.

  105. I love this story πŸ₯°πŸ₯° it'due south and then calming

  106. THIS WAS AMAZING WHO EVER MADE It !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  107. Cinderella let her stepsisters be mean to her because if she tried to fight back she would but become yelled at and pushed around even more.
    Cinderella thought she should go to the ball because all the young women were invited and being a woman she felt that she needed to go.

  108. Cinderella lived with her footstep mother and stepsisters. She had no where else to become and then she did everything they told her to do. She was always a mess and never looked make clean like them.

    She knew she was beautiful and not a mess. She wanted to look squeamish for the Prince likewise.

  109. Cinderella allow her stepsisters be mean to her because she had to do their jobs like her stepmother told her to. She was scared of her stepmother. She thought she should go to the ball because the prince said all immature ladies should get.

  110. So they could remainder.

    Considering she did not experience she was a mess.

  111. She had no way of stopping her step sister from being mean to her. If she would fight back her step female parent would accept been more than hateful to her. She had to practice what they said considering she had no where else to go.

    All of the women of the village were invited, Cinderella being a woman of the village felt like she should go.

  112. Cinderella let her stepsisters be hateful to her because if she would've said something then her stepmother would of yelled at her

    Cinderella wanted to become to the ball because she idea it would make her happy

  113. Cinderella wanted to get to the ball because it would make her happy just she didn't desire her stepmother to yell at her anymore.

  114. Wow! Thank you lot! I constantly needed to write on my blog something similar that. Tin I take a part of your post to my blog?

  115. Because she didn't remember she was a mess.
    Because she is a nice person and deserves better.

  116. I like this story. There'due south magic within this story

  117. answer 1 : because at terminal they were family.
    answer 2: her thoughts were different from the others.

  118. 1: she thought she was the maid

    ii: her footstep sisters got to go and she wanted to go as well

  119. considering she knew they would make life unbearable for her, if she disobeys them.and she needed them even if they were the virtually annoying people.

  120. 1 Cinderella let her one-half-sisters be wicked and vicious to her because she had asked her female parent to be kind and not be cruel to others.

    2 She thought if she was alone she would feel solitary, and then she let her footstep-mother and pace-sister go to the dance.

  121. It teaches the states how to respect people. It is a very touching story and it makes me feel happy anytime i read the story, the place i like nearly is when the fairy godmother came and transformed her from a tattered daughter to a cute girl with a bluish gown and a band on her hair and a glass shoe.

  122. Cinderella should to the brawl because it would make her happy. She did not want her stepmother to yell at her more than.

  123. 1,Beacause cinderella did not want to exist hateful to them.

    2.Beacause her stepmother and stepsisters went to the ball.

  124. Cinderella permit her stepsisters be mean to her considering she promised her mother she volition never be mean to people
    Cinderella thinks she should go to the ball because her stepsisters, and stepmom was going and she thought she should go too.

  125. Cinderella let them exist mean to her considering she promise her mother at she we'll be kind prissy and never be mean to people

  126. I call up Cinderella let her pace sisters be mean to her because she felt similar she had no choice to listen to them

    I think Cinderella thought she should get to the ball considering she felt like since she lived with them and they were going to the ball she should be included to.

  127. I learned so much from this is to not judge by its own clothes or wait

  128. Wonderful πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘°πŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί

  129. I'm non certain. Cinderella I retrieve just wanted to delight other people that she didn't have fourth dimension to think about them being mean for her. Cinderella idea she should get to the ball because, if her family got to go then why won't she be able to?

  130. infact i enjoy it,its lovely

  131. I wish that i could exist a cindrella

  132. I very much like this story

  133. wow i wish i was cendarella

  134. lovely story I enjoyed it

  135. Nice

  136. Super


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